The Vulnerable Truth About My Last Collection

Hello! Somehow we flew from January to May and I'm still in shock! The world around me in Vermont turned green overnight and I'm here for it! In this email I'll share some honest personal challenges (hopefully opportunities in disguise!) and some important info, namely that the first farmers market of the season is THIS SATURDAY!!! woot woot! (huge thanks to my husband, Marco, who constructed my booth). Come see me at the market in Brattleboro! I'm delighted to paw myself out of winter hibernation and interact with people in person about my jewelry! Market is open from 9-2 every Saturday from now until the end of October.
I also want to share a more personal and honest side of my business. I feel a little vulnerable doing so, but I think that often businesses- even small businesses like mine- try to put up an Everything-Is-Fantastic mask, even when it's not (and I get it- I guess psychologically maybe people are more likely to purchase if they think everyone else in the world is also purchasing, but that just doesn't feel genuine to me and not how I roll).
My collection of Opalized Petrified Wood that I released last month was some of the work I am most proud of, but in terms of sales was the least “successful” launch I have had because I sold very few pieces (one to be exact- Thank you Laurie ❤️!). In years past, I probably would have blamed myself, felt insecure about my work, been terrified that people didn't like my jewelry.
But the truth is that right now I look at those pieces sitting in my studio and think- “you fucking rocked it!”. Why? Because they are exactly as I envisioned them and when I look at each one they do that thump-thump thing in my heart that makes me know they connect me to something deeper and more true in this world. And I also know that we are all going through a challenging time with the economy. I mean, sheesh! When can we catch a break?
And while I could bitch and moan about a less-than-stellar collection launch (and don't get me wrong, there are moments when I have! Just ask my husband ;-) I'm also choosing to see it like this: these pieces are meant for their right people, and those people will come and connect to them and bring them home with them to be a part of their life story. I am confident that if you feel connected to one of the pieces you'll know it's meant for you.
This is also a time when I feel like I am most growing in my work in my studio. I am fully embracing traditional metal-smithing and now have calloused fingers, feel at home with a saw, hold the hammer like it's an extension of me, and have an ever-developing complex relationship to soldering (if I could go to therapy with the soldering station, I would!). It's so different from working with the soft metal clay that I'm used to. I. Love. It. All.
And that's why I'm sharing this challenge with you. Because not only do I feel like it's important to be honest and real with you, I also feel like this moment calls on me to trust the world and trust the process. Right now I am opening up into new work that I so deeply love. I must trust that that is what I am supposed to be doing.
All this goes to say, thank you for your continued support. I completely understand that some of my work is not financially accessible for some (and trust me, I've mulled the price thing over forever, but always land on the idea that if I want people to respect artists then I need to respect myself and pay myself fairly. Handcrafted silver jewelry is a laborious craft). And, there are still many one-of-a-kind pieces from my new collection available on my website! As well as my classic pieces that are always available. Perhaps one of them is made for you.
If you are local, come visit me and all the other crafters and farmers at the Brattleboro Farmers Market this Saturday from 9-2! I would love to see your shining faces. And you are always welcome to explore all my jewelry designs on my website here. I ship all over the world. I appreciate all of you!