My Word of the Year for 2023

I hope you had a lovely holiday! After a very busy December and sending off the last of my holiday orders, I took a nice long social media break and spent the time lounging with my family. Last year over my kids' winter break I had the crazy idea of hiking the mountain near my small town every day no matter the weather (which ended up being 14 times!). This year I was decidedly more laid back. I took a few walks but mostly drank hot chocolate with ridiculously expensive but delicious homemade marshmallows (let me be clear: these were not made in MY home, just somebody's home!), sat by the wood stove and read books, played so many card- and board-games with my family, and dreamed up the coming year.

For the last few years I have chosen a “word of the year” that is what I want to put out into the world and that also guides me. One year was Abundance, another year was Wonder. Last year was The Extraordinary (two words, I know, but I felt the The was necessary!). It has been truly astounding how putting energy into an idea or word has helped manifest that into my life. Each time, a few weeks before the new year, some word or energy becomes very clear and it's as if the word chooses me.
This year I've had a harder time choosing my word. I know what IDEA I want for this year: reaching up toward the sky, expanding, thriving, boundless, expansive. Both the meaning of the word and the word's energy has to feel right to me… And I think I've finally got it.
My word of the year for 2023 is SOAR.
I'm going to soar this year. And I know that to soar, I'll have to dig deep as well. I am so excited for all of the amazing things that will come to be in 2023. And I hope to share some of it with you.
In my world of jewelry, here are the things that are exciting me:
- I finally bought a jewelers bench! It was a birthday/biz anniversary present to myself, but I just set it up this week (don't ask me how many hours it took to set up ;-). I'm so excited to not have to hunch while I saw silver, and to be able to organize my workspace a little more.
- Bola ties (otherwise known as Bolo ties)! You may see some jewelry coming out of me this year that is not a necklace or earrings… I'm just going to have to leave it at that!
- Learning new metalsmithing techniques! I've got so many ideas it's hard to contain them all in my head (hence, my trusty notebook!).
- Beginning “Jewelry Spotlights” in my newsletter. I want to shine more light on the stories behind each of my designs and hope to make it a regular part of my newsletter.
- Creating more designs, and working with more gorgeous stones. I cannot wait!
This week I am back in my studio part time, and next week I'll be jumping in fully! My website is open for orders, and in my totally unbiased opinion, jewelry is always an awesome way to start your new year on the right foot ;-). Hop on over to my website to find that piece of jewelry that will help support you in just the ways you need this year.
P.S. here is the back of the piece pictured above. I think my word of the year SOAR was meant to be. You can purchase the necklace here.